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DIY Survival and Crafting Game Kit | Sabotage: Survive The Crash | Printable Game Kit | Paper-based Game

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The spaceship was a top-of-the-line exploration vessel sent on a mission to search for new habitable planets in a distant galaxy. The crew was made up of the best and brightest from across the universe. As they approached their destination, they encountered a massive gravitational anomaly that pulled the ship off course and sent them hurtling towards a nearby planet, crashing into the ocean below.

Miraculously, the ship remained mostly intact, but it was now submerged deep underwater. The ship managed to survive the crash landing, but the crew soon realized they were in a dire situation. The planet was hostile and offered little in the way of resources or supplies. The ship's life support systems were damaged, and the only way to survive was to scavenge what they could from the ship's compartments and craft new items.

The crew quickly turned on each other, realizing that the only way to survive was to sabotage their fellow crewmates and hoard the limited resources. The once tight-knit crew became bitter enemies, willing to do anything to ensure their own survival.

As the days turned into weeks, the crew members began to succumb to starvation, dehydration, and illness. Some chose to lock themselves in compartments, hoping to outlast their rivals. Others ventured out, armed with their homemade traps and weapons, ready to take down anyone who stood in their way.

It's a race against time, with only the strongest and most cunning crew members able to survive. In the end, only one will emerge victorious, the sole survivor of a doomed mission.

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High-quality gameboard that extends across 3 A4-sized pages to enhance realism and playability!

141 MB
16 pages
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DIY Survival and Crafting Game Kit | Sabotage: Survive The Crash | Printable Game Kit | Paper-based Game

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